American Job Center - Certification
The WIC is committed to providing access to a variety of high-quality training opportunities to DC residents, which result in industry-recognized credentials and meet the hiring needs of businesses in high-demand sectors.
The WIC is responsible for establishing eligibility and performance requirements for organizations who wish to provide Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)-funded job training services to Adults and Dislocated Workers. WIOA requires that training services provided to job seekers be paid for through vouchers known as individual training accounts (ITAs). Job seekers interested in exploring the training services that may be available to them are encouraged to visit one of the DC American Job Centers (AJCs) and speak with a workforce specialist regarding your career goals. View the AJC locations, hours, and activity schedule. The AJC is open for in-person services by appointment only (click on the location nearest to you for an appointment): AJC Headquarters, AJC SE, and AJC NE.
What is DC Networks? from Seaberry Design on Vimeo.
Residents interested in obtaining employment services can access them through any of the four AJCs, located conveniently throughout the District. In addition to access to training, the AJCs provide a variety of services including career counseling and planning, job search assistance, workshops, education services, information about local and national labor markets, unemployment compensation and much more. Find more information on the AJCs and other available services here. Residents can also access services remotely by visiting, the District’s online employment site. Through this site, users can conduct job searches, build or post their resume, apply for jobs, and access labor market information.
How Can the American Job Center Help You? from Seaberry Design on Vimeo.
The WIC is responsible for the oversight of employment services for District youth funded by the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. Additional information on these services and other youth programs can be found on the Department of Employment Services – Youth Services website, including a provider and participant roadmap for youth services.