Christian Jones
Christian Jones is the Manager of Training and Skills Development at the DC Workforce Investment Council. He is a trusted advisor to the Associate Directors of Business Engagement, and Performance and Impact, as well as the DC Workforce Board’s Education and Workforce Alignment Committee. Christian is a results-oriented career professional providing leadership, management, and performance excellence in the fields of workforce development policy, personal empowerment, career self-marketing, and job-search advice.
In his 20+-year career in the workforce development field, Christian has been a sought-after “Career Thought Leader” providing cutting-edge workforce applications into career management practices thereby expanding the reach of the workforce system to allow for growth in the business sector and an increase in generation opportunities for job-seekers to obtain sustainable long-term employment.
Before joining the DC Government, Christian managed operations for the top-ranked Workforce Council in Virginia’s Hispanic Program, increasing its workforce participation rate by 75% and placement rate by 50%. He was also asked to represent and liaise at events at The White House, Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, and Univision Television Interviews.
Christian holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Economics, Spanish, and Latin-American Studies from the University of Virginia and a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from the University of Phoenix. Christian resides in the Congress Heights neighborhood of Washington, DC with his wife and three daughters.